To reserve Pioneer Park for an event the following forms must be filled out and taken to City Hall. These forms can be found at the bottom of this page.
Park Reservation Application
Hold Harmless Agreement
General Fact sheet on Use of City Park
Medium to Large Event Permit Application
Alcohol Special Events Checklist
There has been continued vandalism to the park restrooms so the city will have them open as follows:
For the winter months (November-March) closed.
For summer months (April-October) Open from 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday thru Friday and weekends during the day while city employee is on duty.
Anyone reserving the park will be issued keys for the restrooms and will be their responsibility to make sure they are locked when finished.
The portion of Pioneer Park which lies east of Canyon Street and south of East 4th Street was donated by Lawrence Boyle to the city in 1967 with a stipulation that a museum be constructed upon the site. However, it was decided that the site was to small and Mr. Boyle proposed the land be used for a park and be named the JOHN AND MARY ROSE JACKSON PIONEER MEMORIAL PARK. Mr. Boyle specified that a park board be established and a certain number of representatives from the Lions Club, the City, and the Historical Society make up the board.
In 1969 the City began working on securing a grant to purchase a little over 1/2 acre of land from Clyde and Verneta Marriott. The Lions Club would be matching the grant money to complete the purchase, but there were many delays and the option to buy was running out, so the Lions Club secured a loan for the total purchase amount. June of 1972 the federal funds finally came through.
There was still one more small land purchase necessary to complete the park. This was a small wedge next to the highway and creek in the northeast corner behind the saw shop, which was purchased by the Lions Club and donated to the city from the estate of Archie and Sonia Kindred.
Major improvements made to the park over the years were the barbecue, picnic pavilion, fire department kitchen, stage with concrete slab in front, restrooms, bleachers, netting, trees, grass, playground equipment, entrance logs, underground sprinkler system, electrical hookups, a block building to house the electrical controls, and most recently the construction of the Applegate Trial Kiosk. Another nice addition to the park is the circular saw mounted on the back side of the restrooms, donated by C&D Lumber Company which provides a canvas for a beautifully painted scene depicting the covered wagon trek to Oregon done by the very talented Riddle artist Charles Buehner in 1993.
An important historical addition to the park was made several years ago with the donation of a portion of a huge old Douglas Fir tree. This tree was 110" in diameter and contained 10,640 board feet, enough wood to build a three bedroom home. It was determined that this tree was 142 years old when Columbus discovered America. M & B Logging (Darrell Brown, Bill Markham, Robert Theiss), Canyonville Lions Club, and Canyonville Fire Department are responsible for the donation and installation. Its location next to the Tiller-Trail Highway draws attention of motorists and encourages them to visit the rest of the park.
Federal funds were made available to build the covered footbridge over Canyon Creek with a sidewalk leading to it in time for the Bi-Centennial year of 1976. Much of the building materials for the bridge were donated and once again volunteers provided the labor. Most all of the physical work on the various projects was provided by volunteers.
The Lions Club and the C. Giles Hunt Foundation provided matching funds for several projects like the bleachers, electrical lines and the electrical control building. City pays electric bill, provides water and city staff to maintain grounds and buildings.
Pioneer Park is the focal point of the annual Pioneer Days celebration, along with company picnics, family reunions, city wide yard sale, chili cook off, entertainment and weddings. Every day use of the picnic and play areas has continuously increased over the years.
The Pioneer Park is a very popular park and utilized by many people. Every year by spring the park is almost entirely booked for the summer. We often have to tell our citizens that the park is not available for their request. To ensure that more Canyonville citizens will have the opportunity to utilize their park we have established the following policy and fees.