The public is encouraged to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity at the city water treatment plant or in the water shed,
including Canyon Creek. This will assist in the security protection of our water system. Suspicious activity can be reported to City Hall at 541-839-4258 or Sheriff's Dispatch at 541-440-4471.
All new water users need to print out:
New renters print out: Renters Application
New owners print out: Owners Application
All Property Managers print out: Prop. Mgr Application
You can download the forms at the bottom of this page. Once you have read the water user information you need to fill out the application and bring it and deposit money if renting to City Hall at 250 N. Main.
Make sure when discontinuing service you contact city hall with
the date moving out so as not to be charged for any usage after
that day. Also, give your new mailing address so any deposit, if
one was paid, can be returned to you.
Gross Finished Water (gallons)
Backwash Water (gallons)
Net Finished Water (gallons)
Metered Water, (and bulk water sales)
Water Loss =
Daily Average Production (gallons):
Man Hours at Plant:
Please look for this report included with your June statement. You can also find a downloadable version below or request a copy at City Hall.